Newborn Care

Specialized Care for Newborns

At the West Boca Medical Center, we encourage "rooming-in." This means you will keep your baby with you in your private hospital room the whole time you are here. This is a healthy choice for families because it lets you care for your new baby. Rooming-in will help you learn to care for all your baby's needs while staff is around to help if you need it. This will also help you feel more comfortable taking care of your baby once you go home.

Our on-site NICUs are staffed with the specialists your baby may need if intensive care is required. As a level III facility, our NICU has the state’s highest rating, which means it provides the most extensive services to premature and at-risk babies. It is the only level III NICU in Boca Raton.

Learn more about our Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

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